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L'Attacco dei Rauter

Videogame for PC

Screenshot of the game - Main Title



Release date:





Microsoft Windows

Project development state:

Completed (Demo version)


Game based on a true story (places, locations, some people and lots of events inside of the game exist and happened in real life). Since the born of the Universe known as Google Earth, a huge power pervades everything that exists and even not exist: the Extreme ProgramminG, an incredible energy that only few chosen ones are able to recognize in themselves and control. This power led to a bloody war between those ones that had the abilities to use and manipulate it: the Sacred Informatics Order, splitted into two factions to follow the wise men, whom believed in peace and mercy, or the green and evil master known as CISCO, that wanted to rule the World with the great ancient power! After 200 years of Informatics wars, CISCO was defeated by the Three Great Ones, and peace was restored again. Thousands years later Jack, a 19 years old guy, is going to be a university student at the famous Academy of the Sacred Informatics Order to study the incredible power of the Extreme ProgramminG. But that Academy hides a dangerous secret, and Jack will have to face it and try to save the World from a new dangerous and obscure threat.

Some other screenshots:

Screenshot of the game - Cremona's train station Screenshot of the game - Academy, Classroom
Screenshot of the game - Academy, PC room Screenshot of the game - A folder of your personal laptop Screenshot of the game - Desktop of your personal laptop Screenshot of the game - Log out from your laptop
Screenshot of the game - In front of the Academy of the Sacred Informatics Order Screenshot of the game - Academy, Main Hall
Screenshot of the game - Academy, Study Room Screenshot of the game - Academy, Secretarial Office
Screenshot of the game - Special picture available on a hidden floppy, swords sketches

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